Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Engage in Online Marketing to Attract, Engage and Educate Patients

At Awesome Medical Marketing, we talk to cosmetic and plastic surgeons, daily. Our objective is to help surgeons market themselves better online – to gain exposure and patients. Because there are so many ways to market to the masses and target patient audiences, there is a lot to learn and a lot to know. It is an educational process. This is true with any business, surgeons must consult with patients to help them understand more about cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures, and we have to consult with surgeons to teach them new ways to market their practices and clinics.

Imagine life today without the worldwide web or mobile devices. The Internet changed the way we access information about products and services, and also changed the way consumers make purchases.

In these modern times, if you do not have a website, you are virtually non-existent. In addition, if you do not harness the power of the Internet and social media to gain impressions - to make an impression, then you are missing out on prospective patients who might be looking for you.

For years many cosmetic and plastic surgeons relied on their reputation, word-of-mouth referrals and ad campaigns to make their living. Now, it is more complex and there are many layers to marketing success.

Now, a majority of surgeons have websites that feature their services, images of their facilities, news and media coverage, professional profiles, surgical experience, professional affiliations, information about procedures, patient case profiles and links to photos and videos.

In today’s market, it is vital to feature as much content as possible, and you must be accessible through multiple channels to attract patients to your site.

As Internet junkies, we have been trained to research online, first, before a major purchase. What we find, learn and see will more than likely help develop and solidify our decisions about brand awareness and loyalty. In addition, the number of times you come up in a search matters, too. The more links you have on directories, the easier it is to find you. But once patients get to your site, you better be able to show them proof of your skills or they will move on to your competition.

You can learn more by reading our recently published article, which discusses the importance of viral marketing with videos and by using social media and other outlets to your advantage: "Easy to View Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Videos Help Patients Learn and Engage, Online."

As an example, one of our featured surgeons, Dr. William Hall, founder of Infini Cosmetic Associates has had unbelievable success with a brief video he produced, featuring his patient “Kelli” before and after her lipo procedure. It is titled: Lipo Procedure with Dr. William Hall - Kelli Documentary.

To date, this video has been viewed more than 59 million times. It was so popular and well done, we asked Dr. Hall if we could feature the videos for prospective patients to view on all of our Liposuction Guides, including:

The success of the video can be attributed to the tutorial nature that takes the viewer from Kelli’s home on the day of the surgery to her results three months after her lipo procedure. The video helps patients understand the consultation process, and Kelli helps the patient identify with what it may be like to have the surgery. Also, notice how Dr. Hall is personable and how he explains the details to his client. He addresses the patient, not the camera, which helps the audience focus on the patient too.

Visibility does not have to cost you a fortune, but your presence or absence online can “make” or “break” your clinic or practice. For example, Dr. Hall filmed his video with a $200 camera using only one production person to do it. All it took was his time, his patient’s time and some innovation to produce it and post it to YouTube and his sites.

The Internet is changing and so is the business of converting patients. In our Case Study we learned about a team of surgeons who posted video content, and to their surprise, attracted more patients, who spent more time their sites viewing the video, and increased patient conversion rates, dramatically. In this case, the video was animated and in 3D.

For surgeons who do not feature their own video links to content about procedures, there are services that allow you to feature virtually animated cosmetic and plastic surgery videos for a monthly or annual fee, such as

The moral of this blog is this: Now is the time to engage and rely more heavily on the Internet for marketing and outreach to pull patients to your site, your services and your practice. More than 87% of your patients should come from online and mobile searches. The more visible you are online, the easier it is for patients to find you when they search keywords related to cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures. If you do not have a strong presence online, then consider yourself absent from the big picture. Patients will most likely find your competition, instead of you.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons Need To Improve Internet Marketing ROI

Awesome Medical Marketing has been spending the last two years creating and developing cosmetic and plastic surgery directories. Our on-going investments in our network infrastructure keep us visible on Google, Bing and Yahoo in some of the highest organically-ranked positions on the web. This is no small feat and it keeps us busy, especially now that we have more than 30 guides and directories.

We are constantly adding new content to keep up with procedures, products, trends and techniques in the aesthetic industry. As many of you know, Google algorithm updates such as Caffeine and Panda impact everyone, unless you have awesome content and powerful links. Incorporating our own marketing advice when it comes to content, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), site design and linking keeps our directories and featured surgeons at the top, where patients can learn more about procedures and find qualified doctors.

Now that we have grown our business model and brand to become the world’s largest cosmetic and plastic surgery network, we decided to step out and attend three trade shows and meet many of our profiled surgeons in the first person. The best thing about having a booth and physical presence at the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ; the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in Boston, MA; and The Aesthetics Show in Las Vegas, NV was the positive feedback we received from cosmetic and plastic surgeons, alike. Many of them looked at our expanding list of guides and signed up for more guides to gain ranking and exposure for multiple procedures.

We also had the opportunity to meet and converse with other marketing agencies and look for ways to partner and add more value for surgeons who need help with web-development, integration and online marketing.

The most gratifying experience was speaking with surgeons about their marketing challenges and offering assistance to help them become more successful in attracting new patients and staying ahead during the economic downturn.

Any formula for online marketing success has a few arms and legs to manage. Many of our conversations and Q & A sessions with surgeons consisted of the same issues most experience in the aesthetic industry, which included: online exposure, ranking, visibility, rising above competition and measurement of their marketing ROI.

To address these issues and answer cosmetic and plastic surgery industry marketing questions in more detail, we published an article that may help you integrate a few of these tips and grow your practice, “Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons Need Integrated Marketing Strategies to Compete Online.”

Our objective is to be a constant online marketing resource for surgeons like you!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Mobile Revolution is Just Getting Started. Help Patients Find You When they for Search Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Surgeons.

Always on target with the latest advances in emerging technologies, Awesome Medical Marketing, the largest cosmetic and plastic surgery network in the world, is the first to enable all of their cosmetic and plastic surgery guides and doctor directories to accommodate the masses and help eager patients in their search to find physicians from their mobile phones, 24/7. 

The increase in mobile-activity represents the “NOW” generation of search engine use and on-the-go consumerism for most retail and service industries. Prospective buyers want the ability to search for products and services, and connect directly from their Smart phones. Mobile-enabled sites are a seamless solution for doctors to stay in front of patients and ahead of the curve in a tech-savvy, consumer driven world. People want the ease of accessing what they desire, anytime and anywhere.

Consider these facts about mobile technology user trends to understand the value of this conversion and additional feature for our listed surgeons:

Microsoft Tag mobile marketing report:

* By 2014, mobile Internet should over take desktop Internet use;
* One-half of all local searches are performed on mobile devices;
* 86 percent of mobile Internet users are using their devices while watching TV;
* 200 million YouTube views occur on mobile devices every day;
* 50 percent of Twitter's 200 million users take advantage of Twitter mobile.

Performics and ROI Research studies show:

* 49 percent of mobile searchers made a purchase via their devices in the last six months;
* 57 percent of respondents said they use mobile Internet at least once a day;
* 84 percent said they look for local retailer information via mobile Internet;
* 71 percent learn about a product or service after seeing an ad on their mobile devices;
* 68 percent find the best price for a product or service on their mobile devices.

Global mobile statistics 2011 that inspire mobi-Thinking:

* There are 5.3 billion mobile subscribers worldwide, with the fastest growth segments in China and India;
* Google makes $1 billion in annual mobile ad revenue;
* Mobile commerce is expected to reach $119 billion by 2015;
* 6.1 trillion text messages were sent worldwide in 2010; texting is still considered the "king" of mobile messaging;
* 1 billion people will access financial services via mobile by 2015.
In addition, reported these mobi-findings:
  • In two years, from 2009 to 2010, mobile searches increased by 450% to 157 billion;
  • By mid-2010, 60% of mobile owners accessed an app on their phone;
  • By mid-2010, 56% of mobile owners used a browser on their phones;
  • In April, 2010, 70 million U. S. mobile users accessed an app on their phone, up 28% in just one year.
So what's in it for you? This is a free service for our growing list of featured doctors, who value the added visibility and exposure they get by being an integrated part of the "Now Revolution."

Here are more advantages to our mobi-adaptation: Our top-ranking guides have been designed to work from any mobile browser, so patients searching Google from their cell phones now have the same search opportunities using these fully-functional sites - as they would from their desktop or lap computers. Here are some other compelling factors about our directories:

1.    Fast, seamless access from their phones, to our sites, to you.
2.    Keyword search results and rankings are the same as a computer, but consumers will see a green cell phone icon at the side of the URL address indicating they are on a mobile version of the site.
3.    All versions of our mobile sites are designed for the user to have the best experience, giving him/her the most information, while keeping it simple.
4.    More great news! Now Google analytics will provide the most used mobile browsers that lead visitors to our sites, and yours!
5.    Patients can search for doctors and review their listings and profiles in the same capacity on their mobile phones. The only content difference is the text and images on the pages were reduced to fit mobile screens.

The future is now, and patients are just a click away from the surgeon of their choice. For more information, visit or call 1-800-960-0094.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Economic Boost Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Procedures UP in 2010

Increasing Cosmetic Nips, Tucks and Plastic Surgeries Indicate Economic Boost
Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Procedures UP in 2010 – A Reported 13.1 Million Body Parts Altered.

American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reported percentage increases in 2010 for cosmetic plastic surgery procedures from the prior year.

Despite the two-year economic downturn, facelifts, breast augmentations, tummy tucks, eyelid lifts, nose reshaping, liposuction and minimally invasive procedures have rebounded sharply, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and two recent articles: “Nips, Tucks, Lifts, and Other Cosmetic Procedures Up as U.S. Economy Improves” and “Plastic Surgery In Demand … If the number of tummy tucks and other procedures is truly an economic indicator, good times are coming back.”

ASPS also reported 113, 000 facelift surgeries in the USA in 2010, a 9% rise, which was flat from 2007 to 2009. In addition reconstructive plastic surgeries rose 2% in 2010 from 2009. Breast augmentation procedures increased by 2%. Breast augmentation was the procedure most in demand, totaling 296,000 in 2010. Silicone implants were used in 60% of the procedures, placing silicone over saline implant options.
Here is the list of the top five cosmetic surgical procedures:
  • Breast augmentation, 296,000
  • Nose reshaping, 252,000
  • Eyelid surgery, 209,000
  • Liposuction, 203,000
  • Tummy tucks, 116,000
Body Shaping and Contouring also on the Rise
APSC revealed an increase in all surgical body shaping and contouring procedures, such as breast, body, arm and thigh lifts:
  • 90,000 breast lifts, which was a 3% rise
  • 10,000 lower body lifts, up 9%
  • 15,000 upper arm lifts, up 5%
  • 9,000 thigh lifts, up 8%
Weight loss, medical and otherwise resulted in many of the body contouring procedures. After patients lose weight, they request body contouring procedures to remove excess skin, flab and fat.
Minimally invasive procedures to improve appearances also rose, by 5% in 2010, to nearly 11.6 million procedures. Those top five procedures included:
  • Botox type A, 5.4 million
  • Soft tissue fillers, 1.8 million
  • Chemical peels, 1.1 million
  • Laser hair removal, 938,000
  • Microdermabrasion, 825,000
Despite the economic climate, injectables and fillers have held steady and remained robust over the last two years. Botox and Dysport were up 12% and fat injections were also up 14%. Fat injections and new uses of fat transfers are becoming more popular as the industry innovates on re-purposing fat in more creative ways to rejuvenate the face, breasts and body.
The ASPS stated that breast reconstruction rose 8% in 2010 and replaced maxillofacial surgery in the top five reconstructive procedures, which were:
  • Tumor removal, 4 million
  • Laceration repair, 357,000
  • Scar revision, 161,000
  • Hand surgery, 106,000
  • Breast reconstruction, 93,000
Body Contouring, Liposuction, lipo and liposculpting, laser assisted and water assisted procedures also continued to rise in 2010.
All-in-all the number of procedures and rise in cosmetic and plastic surgeries across-the-board indicate better economic times are on the horizon.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Quick-guide to greater cosmetic and plastic procedure outcomes – surgery safety manual.

Some might consider Americans to be obsessed with their looks, the fountain of youth and cosmetic surgery procedures.

We seem to think nothing of a nip here, a tuck there and a shot to fill in the wrinkles or make them disappear … to each his or her own is our motto. If people have the resources and means to look forever young, then more power to them.

There is no harm in physical enhancements or cosmetic procedures, as long as there is no harm done, right? It is all fine until someone gets hurt or has a bad experience, or worse yet, is disfigured for life for selecting the wrong surgeon or taking cosmetic procedures too far. It is a sad case when people encounter the wrong surgeon to perform the procedure or when they stop being realistic about the physical limitations of cosmetic surgery. We all have seen and read the stories about cosmetic surgery offenders and those surgeons who continue to augment them.

One of our featured surgeons stated in his profile: “He believes that cosmetic surgery should reveal the best of oneself - rather than a caricature of someone else.” His advice would be to stay within realistic and authentic physical boundaries when considering cosmetic or plastic surgery procedures.

In a recent article, Harvard trained, double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Parham Ganchi stated, “just about any plastic surgery procedure can look ‘fake’ if overdone. Conversely, almost any plastic surgery procedure can look great if done properly.” Indeed, there is a fine line between “natural” and “fake” which is often a matter of public display. Many celebrities and stars have fallen prey to the knife and fillers, only to emerge looking unnatural and like a cartoon character.

The best doctors who truly care about their patients and long-term credibility educate their patients on the healthiest approaches to cosmetic surgery and outcomes. The objective of any cosmetic or plastic surgery procedure is to emerge looking better, more youthful, but natural. Here are some tips and best practices when considering cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures:

Everything in moderation:
more is not always better and less can be too little.
How many of you know people who have had unsatisfactory results with a breast augmentation surgery. Many women, who do not want to overdo it, get a “B” cup, only to find they want a “C” cup a month later, so they end up getting a second surgery. In addition, there are also the women who want the DD cup, and find they suffer from back pain or other issues, and end up back in surgery to get a reduction. Rule of thumb … it is best to take your time and do a lot of research on the procedure of your choice. Look at software or simulation programs to see what would best suit your frame and profile. More importantly, look for a surgeon that will answer all of your questions and give you a reality check if he or she thinks you are too unrealistic. There are many examples in Hollywood of people who took it too far – and now, they are stuck with the results or another surgery bill to try and correct the “problem” which may very well be their physical perceptions.

The difference between looking good and looking bad – is obvious!
There have been major advancements in the cosmetic and plastic surgery industry. Now more than ever, surgeons can deliver more refined, precise results. Nevertheless, surgeons are still an “employee” of their patients, so patients really dictate the outcome. This is most unfortunate when patients have poor taste or do not understand how aesthetics apply to their personal and profile. Surgeons can only cut from the cloth they are provided, and there are physical impossibilities.
Case and point: a woman walks into the hairdresser and states she wants her hair like the picture … the picture shows a woman with thick naturally curly hair and the woman has fine, thin, limp hair.

People have to work with what they have, naturally. So, a doctor can only chisel so much away from the framework, if the original face is round and shapeless. Good surgeons will always consider the blueprint they have to modify, just like good architects. Cosmetic and plastic surgeons are craftsmen/women. It is like fine art, only they are dealing with living beings.
It is imperative for patients not to lose sight of their natural beauty and authenticity in the process of augmentation. Some parts will look much better with surgical work, others may just as well be left alone.

Fact … aging is a natural process and there is only so much you can do to fight gravity.
It boils down to the laws of physics, and gravity weighs in as much as the loss of fat and collagen breakdown. Let’s “face” it time changes the shape of our faces and our bodies. Surgeons want to help you look your best, regardless of your birth year, but age is always a factor. There are only so many surgeries that can restore your youthful appearance and glow. Each patient is different and there are a combination of procedures, like: lifts, nips, tucks and fillers that can help. Ask your cosmetic surgeon what procedure is best for you at your age to help you get the best results for your age.

Getting the best out of the most popular procedures.
Face Lift: The traditional face lift is the most popular, but now there are new face lift procedures that are not as invasive and reveal beautiful, natural results. There are mid-face lifts that pull back the lower region, jaw and neckline and do not look too pulled-back. The traditional “face lift” procedure is one of the most notoriously easy to spot procedures out there. Patients come in requesting that their entire face be pulled. The face can be lifted and tightened through different procedures, so ask your surgeon which procedure is best for you, your features and your bone structure.

Eyelid Lift: Otherwise known as a blepharoplasty, this is a surgical procedure to modify the eyelids and trim away sagging, drooping lids, and lift the area around the eyes. Again, there is a big difference between the outcome of a natural looking eye lift surgery and one that results in eyes that appear too wide or open. A skilled surgeon can perform this surgery with ease and make your eyes look natural and youthful, instead of miss-shaped and “surprised.”

Breast Implants: Breast augmentation is the most common surgery, aside from liposuction. There are plenty of photos and examples of bad breast surgeries to help patients determine a size and shape that fits their frame, realistically. A good surgeon will guide patients to the right size and technique to achieve balance and avoid implants that look too obnoxious and over-done. Now there are natural breast augmentation surgeries, fat transfers and various implants to have a fuller, more natural bust-line.

Tummy Tuck: This is a very popular surgery among new moms. The tummy tuck is a common procedure performed in mommy makeovers. Women and men, who are uncomfortable with their bulges and excess weight in their mid-sections have the fat and flab trimmed away during this procedure. A tummy tuck can help people achieve a more proportionate body and get rid of unsightly fat to trim their waists and love handles. Typically a tummy tuck requires specific surgical techniques and liposuction. Finding the right surgeon for your tummy tuck is the key to your desired outcomes.

Rhinoplasty: Since the nose is the center point of our face, we tend to focus on its shape and proportion, and how it impacts the profile. Any good nose job requires a great surgeon to avoid a pinched or unnatural look. Keep in mind that it is important to maintain some authenticity when getting this surgery. Getting too much shaved off can make your face look just as dis-proportionate as having too big of a nose. Before having this surgery, take your time to look at many photos and find the right surgeon.

Any cosmetic or plastic surgery is a big deal. It is a costly endeavor to change the way you look, so be conscious and wise of this decision. It is your body, your health and your life, so research the procedures and techniques that are right for you. More importantly, search until you find the right surgeon with the proper credentials and experience. Your body or face may only need to be moderately refined, so consider that before making drastic changes that are irreversible. Ask a lot of questions, look at a lot of photos, and visit and consult with surgeons, until you find the one that makes you feel confident in your decision to move forward.

Always plan ahead, and tell a friend or family member that you are having a surgical procedure. Assign someone to your well-being, until you are back on your feet.
In addition, if you are considering medical tourism or going abroad for your surgery, inform yourself of the surgical experience and requirements, expenses, facilities, differences in laws, wrongful death and insurance issues.
It is always better to be safe than sorry or to have to repeat a surgical procedure.