Monday, March 12, 2012

A safer mammogram is better for all involved.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Didyouknow that the amount of carbon in the human body is enough to fill about 9,000 'lead' pencils?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Didyouknow that the life span of a taste bud is about 10 days?
Oregonians are lucky to have Dr. Salisbury changing lives in the Oswego area. Dr. Salisbury specializes in surgeries associated with sensitive issues women face.
Didyouknow that after the age of 30 your body begins to shrink in size?
This is a truly inspiring story. A reformation of the human spirit.
Swiss Mrs? Have a chocolate cafe and get a boob job. medicaltourism
If an alternative to Botox presented itself would you jump at the opportunity?
If you're worried what people are saying, just tell everyone you had a "revision" rhinoplasty.
Would you let cultural influences determine whether or not you had a plastic surgery procedure? Let us know with a yes or no with a comment .

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Didyouknow that the human skull is made up of 29 different bones?
Is the aesthetic surgery industry becoming the "wild west" of the medical field?
What do soy beans, lecithin and lypolisis have in common?
Speculation as to whether or not Lady Gaga was born well endowed has me up most nights.
Why is the Zerona laser liposuction system gaining popularity? You'd be surprised.
Medieval torturing devices have nothing on these contraptions.
What do Suzannesomers, fatgrafting, controversy, and stemcells have in common?
What exactly is the science behind laser liposuction?
More minorities are seeking out plasticsurgery and cosmetic procedures.
Sir Isaac Newton discovered that what goes up must come down. Ergo, everything around us can't defy the laws of gravity, including medically enhanced breasts. Now what?
Didyouknow that the only joint-less bone in the human body is the hyoid bone?
What is the most common birth defect amongst American and British Children?

Monday, March 5, 2012

I wonder if Tony Montana ever considered plastic surgery?
Were you looking through that high school year book from 20 years ago collecting dust on the shelve? You turned to the page that featured your young, vibrant picture. You ask yourself, what happened?
Do you buy the beautiful dress or gown first then work your butt off to be able to get into it? Or do you buy that gown or dress after you've worked your butt off? Let us know.
Hereditary features can reek havoc on our self-esteem, lifestyle and possibly cause medical complications.
Okay, there is cryolypolisis, mesotherapy and lasers. What does all this mean? Non-invasive liposuction.
What is the difference between non-invasive and invasive plastic surgery? Why is the former gaining in popularity?
A plastic surgeon might be the only option you have to lose extra weight when all else fails. p

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Who needs rhinoplasty when you have Dixie?