Friday, August 27, 2010

Lipolysis Surgeries, Now # 1. Designer Label Liposuction Procedures Win Popularity Contest

For years, breast augmentation was the most popular plastic surgery procedure. But in recent years, liposuction gained popularity, especially in the US.

New research has revealed that liposuction is now one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world.

The survey, conducted by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), took place in 25 countries and represented 75% of all procedures carried out in 2009.

“The results revealed that liposuction was the most popular treatment accounting for 18.8% of all procedures. This was closely followed by breast augmentation at 17%, blepharoplasty (upper or lower eyelid lift) at 13.5%, rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) at 9.4 % and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) at 7.3%,” According to this article.

Performed by specialty doctors, cosmetic and plastic surgeons, the lipolysis has taken on a new shape of its own. Liposuction has transformed over the years, so it is now safer and more efficient than ever, due to new techniques and technologies, smaller instruments, and the use of local anesthesia.

Traditional liposuction is almost outdated; liposuction is now an outpatient procedure that can be performed in the doctors’ clinic while the patient is awake and coherent throughout the surgery.

Most patients are searching for what we call “designer label” procedures, like: Smartlipo™, Laser Lipo, Lipo Sculpting, Laser Sculpture, Tumescent Liposuction, which is why we have several guides dedicated to each lipo technique. This helps (SEO) search engine optimization for each guide. We rank each guide using the keyword label or term being searched by prospective patients. When they reach our directory sites, they can find out everything they need to know about the surgery and locate doctors.

Why do people choose liposuction?

Because it is more affordable now and it is a safe way to permanently remove stubborn, unwanted fat from any area on the body – and the results are immediate. People want the instant gratification they get from liposuction surgery.

“When people change the way they look it can improve their whole outlook on life and often gives them the confidence that they didn’t have before,” proclaimed David Ross, Chief Executive of The Hospital Group in the UK.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Awesome Medical Marketing and MOXE™ Collaborate on Case Study to Reveal Online Success for Client, MetropolitanMD

At Awesome Medical Marketing (AMM), we know how featured surgeons can build their businesses by listing on our top-ranking cosmetic and plastic surgery guides, but we gain credibility when success stories are generated from our listed doctors.

Recently, one of our clients, MetropolitanMD, contacted AMM to share the return on their investment as a listed practice on one of our # 1 ranking guides, and they offered to do a two-part case study.

The true testament that led to this collaborative effort - is in the fact that the client reached out to us to reveal the facts and figures. Needless to say, we are proud to share this information with you.

Why Internet Marketing is More Relevant than Ever

Cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures are on the rise and so is the online competition between doctors and surgeons to win the most valuable thing prospective patients have to offer … their time. Now more than ever, prospective patients search online to learn more about procedures. In addition, the Internet is where many prospective patients find and select their surgeons.

Most cosmetic and plastic surgeons face two Internet marketing problems, which was the basis of our case study:

1. How to drive traffic and visitors to their websites
2. How to convert visitors to patients via their websites

In our study, a team of Chicago-based surgeons learn the value of their online marketing investments and assets. MetropolitanMD found great success by purchasing a monthly listing on # 1 ranking lipo-directory,, and by leasing the Moxe premium micro site video players that showcase 3D animations of surgical procedures.

MetropolitanMD addressed those two issues in the following way:

1. Primary objective: To get prospective patients from the Chicagoland area looking for information on Smartlipo surgery to MetropolitanMD’s website
2. Secondary objective: To motivate those visitors to make an appointment and request a consultation.

The objective of the case study was to measure the ROI of their two investments by creating key performance indicators and metrics. The results were tracked using Google Analytics, a free tool that reports detailed traffic information based on key indicators like visits, traffic from referral sites, view duration, and conversions.

The results were surprisingly favorable for both investments. MetropolitanMD found their greatest success was in the combination - through # 1 ranking surgeon-directory, and by deploying a new 3D microsite player on their website.

The 19-month study revealed a 270% increase in the conversion rate (percentage of visitors that submit a form) from over the site average, and a 175% increase over organic keyword traffic. Since going live in April, Moxe’s 3D video platform kept viewers’ attention for 4:55, which is three times the site average.

Here are the findings from the listing investment:

The cost of listing on is $500 a month. From 1/1/09 to 7/31/10 there were 1,863 visits that resulted in115 form submissions. This equates to an average of 98 visits per month, or $5.10 per visitor. The average monthly form submissions equates to 7 submissions per month, or $71.42 per form submission lead.

Here are the findings from the MOXE™ 3D Micro site video player leasing investment:

In May 2010, MetropolitanMD deployed Moxe’s new 3D liposuction rich media on their website. See it here. 197 unique visitors (n=217) viewed the player over the subsequent three months. Cost of the liposuction-specific microsite is $290 a month, and generated an additional three patient referrals each month.

The average page view duration for any one page on MetropolitanMD is 1:05. While on Moxe’s player, visitors viewed the player on average for 4:51. Visitors from, that also viewed Moxe’s player (n=25), watched it on average for 10:26.

Doug Wulff, founder of Moxe™ and originator of the case study, offered his insights on the value of generating visitors through organically ranked sites, and capturing visitor interest with rich media.

“The Internet is clearly a powerful medium to attract new patients. To win online, providers have to be visible to those looking for their services. You generate qualified traffic by combining search optimization, affiliate marketing, and your offline strategy,” Wulff explained.

“Secondly, this is an industry where the quality of the web experience will impact the sale. Doctors can enhance the user experience by offering visitors rich content–right at the point of decision designed to earn a visitor’s attention and create the patient-doctor confidence that leads to a scheduled consultation,” he said.

Click Here to Read Full Study

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cosmetic Surgery on the Rise, Increasing Competition for Doctors … Now More than Ever, More Patients Need Help Finding You

Cosmetic surgery is on the rise, indeed. The truth is that people desire to look and feel attractive and they are willing to spend money, out of pocket and otherwise, to improve their image. Despite the economic downturn, job losses and high unemployment rates, people are seeking elective procedures to enhance their appearance, more than ever. It is interesting how supply and demand, and increasing competition, breeds competition, for both patients and doctors, alike.

The more patients seek and have elective procedures performed, the more doctors branch out and add more procedures and services. That makes sense – and cents, which is why Awesome Medical Marketing got into the online marketing and web-directory business – to inform, guide and link consumers and prospective patients from the search engines to doctors and surgeons listed on our top ranking guides.

The Parallels of Supply and Demand

Rule 1: Image is a big player in the way we operate, and the law of attractiveness matters, and thus, dictates human behavior – in many ways. Not our rule, the truth is in the stats and is also indicative in the number of GQ, Vogue and fashion magazines sold per month, globally. Conclusion, people care about appearances.

Rule 2: Regardless of financial disposition or economic status, many people want to look more attractive than their “real self” and they are willing to spend the money and finance “beautification” even if they are already “really” attractive. There must be something to gain from self modification in order for people to invest in it, for instance: confidence, esteem, love, romance, jobs, careers, money, mommy makeover, youth, status, etc.

Rule 3: The rule of supply and demand is relevant. So, for example, if image matters, and there is something to gain from self improvement, and if the job supply is low and more people are competing for the same number of jobs, then certain people may resort to cosmetic improvements to look younger and more appealing, compete in a tough job climate,– and potentially get the job! This may be especially true for aging baby boomers, as suggested in this article.

Rule 4: If the demand for something is high, then the world of capitalism responds accordingly - there will be a rise in the number of providers and suppliers in the marketplace who will want to partake in the commerce. Physicians are intelligent and innovative, which is why many doctors are embarking upon career changes and expanding their clinics to include cosmetic procedures, products and services. Not only is this true in the USA, but there is also more competition, abroad. Just look at how medical tourism has grown in popularity over the last few years.

Advice to Doctors and Surgeons– Make Sure Patients Find You

Now, prospective patients have many options as more doctors, dentists, dermatologists, even OB/GYNs opt-in to offer additional cosmetic procedures and services, as indicated in this USA Today article “Some doctors try to profit on cosmetic surgery rise”. The article attributes the surge in offerings to the fact that “cosmetic procedures are soaring in popularity, because consumers opted for 69% more cosmetic procedures — everything from a shot of collagen to a face-lift — in 2009 compared with 2000, according to an April report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

The bottom line is that competition is on the rise among providers as more people search online for cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures, surgeons and specialists, locally and internationally.

As online marketing specialists, our responsibility at Awesome Medical Marketing is to offer informative guides that help prospective patients learn about procedures, costs and care, and find doctors, surgeons and specialists. All we do is build highly searched directories and guides that link patients to you.

If you are a surgeon, doctor or specialist who needs more patients to find you online, then make sure your website is attractive, add videos and beef up your online marketing efforts and SEO strategies. We are more than happy to be your online marketing partner.

The Cardinal Rules for Patients to Find Experienced Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons

There are four cardinal rules to seeking a qualified surgeon. If you are seeking a cosmetic or plastic surgery procedures, make sure you follow these rules:

1. Be certain the surgeon or doctor is licensed in the state that he or she is practicing in and the state where you are having the surgery performed.
2. Ask your surgeon how many procedures he or she has performed. A rule of thumb is to look for a specialist who is focused and devoted to the certain areas of practice that you seek. Make sure the doctor or surgeon you select is experienced and qualified to perform the surgery or procedure you desire. Look for a cosmetic or plastic surgeon that focused on specifically on the procedures that interest you. Experience is a key factor in selecting the right surgeon.
3. Ask to see before and after photos. Look for consistencies between the surgeries and patients. The more before and after photos they have to show you, the better. This allows patients to get a visual idea of the surgeons’ work.
4. Check to see if the surgeon has any reported malpractice cases, lawsuits or wrongful death lawsuits that were filed. If it is in the area of surgery you desire, you may want to select another surgeon or simply ask for an explanation.

Follow these rules and you are on the right track. After all, it is your health, appearance and happiness that matters.

Our team at Awesome Medical Marketing wishes you great success and all the best with your search to become better, personally and professionally.