Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Awesome Medical Marketing and MOXE™ Collaborate on Case Study to Reveal Online Success for Client, MetropolitanMD

At Awesome Medical Marketing (AMM), we know how featured surgeons can build their businesses by listing on our top-ranking cosmetic and plastic surgery guides, but we gain credibility when success stories are generated from our listed doctors.

Recently, one of our clients, MetropolitanMD, contacted AMM to share the return on their investment as a listed practice on one of our # 1 ranking guides, and they offered to do a two-part case study.

The true testament that led to this collaborative effort - is in the fact that the client reached out to us to reveal the facts and figures. Needless to say, we are proud to share this information with you.

Why Internet Marketing is More Relevant than Ever

Cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures are on the rise and so is the online competition between doctors and surgeons to win the most valuable thing prospective patients have to offer … their time. Now more than ever, prospective patients search online to learn more about procedures. In addition, the Internet is where many prospective patients find and select their surgeons.

Most cosmetic and plastic surgeons face two Internet marketing problems, which was the basis of our case study:

1. How to drive traffic and visitors to their websites
2. How to convert visitors to patients via their websites

In our study, a team of Chicago-based surgeons learn the value of their online marketing investments and assets. MetropolitanMD found great success by purchasing a monthly listing on # 1 ranking lipo-directory, Smartlipo.com, and by leasing the Moxe premium micro site video players that showcase 3D animations of surgical procedures.

MetropolitanMD addressed those two issues in the following way:

1. Primary objective: To get prospective patients from the Chicagoland area looking for information on Smartlipo surgery to MetropolitanMD’s website
2. Secondary objective: To motivate those visitors to make an appointment and request a consultation.

The objective of the case study was to measure the ROI of their two investments by creating key performance indicators and metrics. The results were tracked using Google Analytics, a free tool that reports detailed traffic information based on key indicators like visits, traffic from referral sites, view duration, and conversions.

The results were surprisingly favorable for both investments. MetropolitanMD found their greatest success was in the combination - through # 1 ranking surgeon-directory Smartlipo.com, and by deploying a new 3D microsite player on their website.

The 19-month study revealed a 270% increase in the conversion rate (percentage of visitors that submit a form) from Smartlipo.com over the site average, and a 175% increase over organic keyword traffic. Since going live in April, Moxe’s 3D video platform kept viewers’ attention for 4:55, which is three times the site average.

Here are the findings from the Smartlipo.com listing investment:

The cost of listing on Smartlipo.com is $500 a month. From 1/1/09 to 7/31/10 there were 1,863 visits that resulted in115 form submissions. This equates to an average of 98 visits per month, or $5.10 per visitor. The average monthly form submissions equates to 7 submissions per month, or $71.42 per form submission lead.

Here are the findings from the MOXE™ 3D Micro site video player leasing investment:

In May 2010, MetropolitanMD deployed Moxe’s new 3D liposuction rich media on their website. See it here. 197 unique visitors (n=217) viewed the player over the subsequent three months. Cost of the liposuction-specific microsite is $290 a month, and generated an additional three patient referrals each month.

The average page view duration for any one page on MetropolitanMD is 1:05. While on Moxe’s player, visitors viewed the player on average for 4:51. Visitors from Smartlipo.com, that also viewed Moxe’s player (n=25), watched it on average for 10:26.

Doug Wulff, founder of Moxe™ and originator of the case study, offered his insights on the value of generating visitors through organically ranked sites, and capturing visitor interest with rich media.

“The Internet is clearly a powerful medium to attract new patients. To win online, providers have to be visible to those looking for their services. You generate qualified traffic by combining search optimization, affiliate marketing, and your offline strategy,” Wulff explained.

“Secondly, this is an industry where the quality of the web experience will impact the sale. Doctors can enhance the user experience by offering visitors rich content–right at the point of decision designed to earn a visitor’s attention and create the patient-doctor confidence that leads to a scheduled consultation,” he said.

Click Here to Read Full Study

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